FAQs for the iPhone Application Hexadecimal Calculator (HexCalc).


    1) What is the largest hexadecimal number that version 1.0.1 can support?

    2) What function does the 'SCRL' key perform in Landscape orientation

    3) What does the color scheme represent?


    1) What is the largest hexadecimal number that version 1.0.1 can support?

        The largest hexadecimal number is 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. This number is the largest number supported in version 1.0.1.
        This number uses all 64 bits.

    2) What function does the 'SCRL' key perform in Landscape orientation?

        The 'SCRL' key is an abbreviation for Scroll. This key acts like a toggle. User input of numbers can either used auto-sizing or
        scrolling. Auto-sizing is the ability for the display to shrink (auto-size) the size (font-size) of the digits being displayed. This
        allow all 64 digits to be display on one screen. For some users, it may be easier to view these numbers via a scroll bar which
        you can use by swiping your finger across the display. The 'SCRL' key just toggles which mode the display will use.

    3) What does the color scheme represent?

        To many viewing hexadecimal and binary numbers a colored text is used. For hexadecimal numbers the lower significant digits
        will always be displayed in red. These digits will be grouped in 8-bit bytes. For binary numbers the lower significant digits will
        always be displayed in red. These digits will be grouped in 4-bit nibbles.