Welcome to Granite Wireless!!!!

Home of the Apple iPhone Application Hexadecimal Calculator (HexCalc).

  Now at the Apple App Store!!!!

Here are a few screenshots for HexCalc in portrait and landscape orientations.

Potrait in Hexadecimal

This is a screenshot of HexCalc in potrait orientation in Hexadecimal mode.

Depending on the mode of the calculator the various keys will either be

enabled  or disabled.

The numeric display has several unique features that will make each mode

easier to use.

Every mode will have a main numeric display along with a

mini-display for the number of digits currently being display.

On the right side of the display is also a mini-display

for the current numeric mode.

This image of Hex mode shows the main display with colors.

Every byte will alternate in colors with the LSB always in 'red'.

This is an screenshot of HexCalc in landscape orientation in Hexadecimal mode.

In landscape orientation, the actual display makes it easier to view larger numbers.

Landscape and Potrait layouts use different keys in their respective keyboards.

The Landscape keyboard has unique keys for 'HELP',  'SCRL' and 'NOT'. The 'HELP' key will allow email to be sent to


The Scroll Key ('SCRL') allows scroll mode to be toggled on and off. If Scroll mode is off then the default behavior

in handling long number strings is to auto-size (shrink) the text as it is being typed. When Scroll mode is enabled, auto-sizing

of text is display but a scroll bar feature is added.

By swiping your finger you can scroll up and down the numeric text.

Scroll mode can be toggled in Landscape orientation but goes into effect for either potrait or landscape orientations.

Another example of this behavior is doing calculations. A calculation can be started while in protrait orientation but can be continued using the

'=' key in landscape.

Landscape in hexadecimal mode

This is an another screenshot of HexCalc in landscape layout in Binary mode.

Depending on the mode of the calculator the various keys will either be enabled 

or disabled. For Binary mode only the '0' and '1' numeric keys are available.

This picture of Binary mode shows the main display with colors.

Every nibble (4 bits) will alternate in colors with the LSB always in 'red'.

Landscape in binary mode

This is a screenshot of HexCalc in potrait orientation in decimal mode.

Portrait in decimal mode

Landscape and Potrait orientations use different keys in their respective


The Potrait keyboard has unique keys for 'AND',  'OR' and the operators for

addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

In Decimal mode, the display shows the main display without alternating
